Friday 2 December 2016


In my music video: 
Technical conventions-
  • Close ups and ECUsto help build recognition of artists (build star image),  and also to emphasise link with music and lyrics (show singer’s face/mouth singing, guitarist’s fingers playing guitaring, etc.)
  • MCUs and mid shots to show body language and costume of artists, this can demonstrate emotions and can connote values and attitudes. 
  • Crane/tracking shots to add to movement and pace to the image to match the movement of the music
  • Lip-synced, cut to the beat, jump cuts
  • Artificial lighting is extremely common and often used to give the artist a glow of perfection (clear skin, glow etc)

Symbolic conventions-

  • The instruments themselves are highly symbolic and fit into distinct categories that link to other bands that use similar instruments and have various connotations
  • breaking the 4th wall, creates intimacy 
  • red lipstick- sex appeal 
  • dim/ gold lighting- giving her the perfect glow 
  • black long dress- elegance 
  • Ashen’s tie changing colour to red as soon as he is with her, to symbolise passion 
  • birdcage/ unconventional fro a music video. Found a similar use of the prop in a perfume add for Coco channel .
  • office set is highly conventional, as it is supposed to represent the boring lifestyle . 
Anne Braatz Media

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