Friday 11 March 2016

Evaluation Question 2

How does your Media product represent particular social groups? 

The opening sequence to our thriller ‚‘Ecliptic ’ which is about a Private Detective escaping represents different social groups within its four different technical areas: Camera shots and movement, Sound, Editing and its  Mise-en-scene. The first two minutes provide potential for a close analysis of the representational areas of Gender, Age and Class/status.  

The shots of the sequence suggest a mobility of the main character and therefore a positive representation of middle aged men. The constant movement of the character coveys activity and strength, while his movement across the space connotes an alpha male  behavior highlighting his masculinity and gender. In contrast to this positive representation of masculinity the character is also portrayed as weak in the first shot since the camera angle is pointing down at him, the audience is tricked to feel sympathy for the character in this venerable state. Although he is represented in a counter typical form it makes the protagonist more likable since the audience goes on the journey of recovery with him and follow his systematic moments step by step. Once the protagonist has the situation under control the camera is on eye level with him, which is as soon as he sits down on the front seats. Towards the end however, the character gains a higher status and more power this is also connoted by the camera slightly being tilted upwards, towards the actor in the shoot in the cars boot.

Low angle shot 

The sequence’s editing has an increasing pace, which connotes the building tension and urgency.  Starting of with a slow paced series of long shots draws the attention to the Mise-en-scene elements in the frames, as much as on the fact that the protagonist is Male. The stereotypical male behavior and attributes of Strength, intelligence and success are then supported, by his following actions and increase in pace. Since he is physically capable of high amount of movement as well as making quick and rational decisions. To highlight the high activity of the film most of the cuts are match on action. Using these cuts creates a dynamic media text. 

Since there is no diegetic sound in our thriller opening sequence there is no dialogue to to analyze however the non diegetic sound track we added during post production, is a daunting and intimidating feature of the film. Its Sound is the main sauce of tension. However, the diegetic sound of the engine running helps the audience to understand the situation. The other diegetic sound of the protagonist’s coughing represents a countertop to the male hero, since it presents an imperfection. The coughing connotes weakness and poor health which are both unstable bases to create a business on . The character’s swift moments and clear headed state of mind however, create an admirable contrast. The characters imperfections and humanness also makes him more likable to the audience which is our desired effect since he is our protagonist. The unhealthy connotation also links to the characters Age since he is effected by the smoke, however still physically capable of preceding his tasks. This is a positive, however stereotypical representation of age.  

The Mise-en-scene of the thriller sequence signalizes a certain status since the protagonist is dresses in a white shirt, suggesting purity and therefor portraying the character as a trustworthy and good force. Also this White shirt in combination with a tie conveys the idea and concept of education, building an educated economically active character. Other elements of the costume like his wedding ring suggest a commitment and stability, which makes the character more likable while also categorizing him as a wealthy man since the ring is gold. In addition to the ring his watch suggests a high status since it is a dominant accessory that connotes wealth and a reliable income. The protagonists make up on the other hand suggests that he has been exposed to a lot of stress. This scruffy look highlights the masculinity of the character, by playing with the physic and strength. Also this consideration of strength immediately relates to the representation since the character in a 30-35 age range he is physically able to cope with the situation and further action scenes of the film.  
Anne Braatz Media

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