Tuesday 15 March 2016

How did you attract/ address your audience? (Evaluation Task 5)

Target Audience: Male 15-25 year olds 

What have you made? 
I have produced a crime- thriller that is filled with mystery and suspense as well as a good amount of action. 

Why do you refer to it as a crime thriller? 
It is a hybrid genre since while it adheres to most of the triller conventions,like suspicious enigmas, extraordinary events, fast pace, protagonist and antagonist, a complex narrative and a cliff hanger it also contains multiple elements of the crime genre. Since it is about a gang that commits a series of crimes/murders and a detective trying to catch the criminals, also a good a mount of the full film dresses the criminals account of the story, which is a typical crime thriller convention. 

What are other examples of Crime thrillers? 
Other example of thrillers in the hybrid genre are: Seven No country for Old Men and Silence of the lambs. In my research session and the survey I did on what my target audience is, Giorgio (who is 17) says is favorite film/thriller was Silence of the Lambs. This helps reinforce of suitable the thriller is to a male audience of 15-25.

What pleasures can your target audience get from your thriller?
Uses and Gratifications Theory (Bulmer and Katz, 1974)
  • male character 
  • although he is 30+ his character is very relatable to the younger audience and acts as a role model 
  • Being able to recognize the product or person in front of you, role models that reflect similar values to yours, aspiration to be someone else
  • his economical situation is comparable to a 15-25 year old’s , since he is educated and enjoying his work however of a working/middle class. -> which is shown in his costume and the cars mies-en-scene elements. 
  • asa private detective he has been to school and through all stages of education 
  • acting as a role model since the character is intelligent 
  • the character is brave, since he doesn’t give up and chases the criminals 
  • the character succeeds and is there for a good goal model 
  • The audience can learn about the situation, since the opening sequence slowly reveals more and more elements of it, like the hose and the suicide note. 
  • The audience can learn that a car can be hot-wired 
  • The audience can be educated about the poisons and often leather effect of carbon monoxide poisoning. 
  • There is no physical violence, therefore it is also suitable for a young audience from 15-18, however the likable character is put under a lot of mental stress which makes the audience empathies and sit on the edge of their seats. 
  • the audience is able to follow the rational decisions of the character, without him saying anything. Which has a strangely satisfying effect. 
Social Interaction: 
  • since the thriller touches on controversial subjects like suicide, it provides a common ground for social interaction. The opening sequence might well spark a conversation at a social gathering.

Where have you set your thriller? 
Our thriller is set in a garage, which immediately suggests a domesticness to the thriller that all the audience can identify with. The audience is introduced to the idea of someone having a double life, basically they are introduced to a fantasy that sites up their own daily lives.  The character is placed in a car. The car suggests a modern aspect to the story and introduces bother the character as modern and raffinate as well as the criminals, since the entire plan is highly developed and technical. Also the setting of a car, can create a sense of claustrophobia which highlights the urgency of our thriller, which subverted to the thriller conventions. In addition the garage introduces the class to the audience. It is obvious that it is set in a middle class, sine the crime is not committed on a grand scale, however it seems well thought trough and their for dangerous. This introduces the gang element.
By only introducing one character in the opening sequence we draw close attention to the protagonist, making the audience sympathies with him and therefor fear with him for his life. Since the thriller has a non linear story line, the opening sequence foreshadows  potential different fates of the main character This challenging of the audience, creates an uneasy feeling which highlights the thrilling element of the film. 

What is your plot outline? 
A private detective uncovering a crime committed by a criminal organization/ gang. While the protagonist is chased by the criminals, he is under time pressure to solve the crime which he successful manages do. 

How would this attract your audience? 
The thriller’s plot attracts the audience by promising tension, due to its high time pressure and race like element. It also promises action since the idea of both groups ‚hunting‘ each other involves a lot of confrontation and since it is a teasel mission it promises a variety of different life or death action situations. These type of science appeal especially to 15-25 year old men since they crave the adrenaline and excitement. Often it promises and allowed the audience to escape from their daily lives and dive into a world full of excitement and danger. It also intrigues the more mature and educated age range of 25-25 of early adulthood since the character of a private detective promises a complex story, which will have differ facets to it and allow the viewer to speculate with the protagonist. 

How would that address what they are expecting as an audience? 
It subverted to the typical thriller and crime conventions, which therefore satisfies the audiences expectations towards the media text. Like I mentioned before conventions like: urgency, drama investigation, a fact pace, a complex narrative , suspicion, a protagonist and antagonist, a story line that requires thinking i.e. plot twists and a cliff hanger. 

Which social groups are you appealing to? 
The thriller appeals to male 15 to 25 year olds. It is suitable for this age group since it is not too violent however since the story line builds up to be extremely complex a minimum age of 15 is advisable. 25 year olds, however are also still interested due to the high stress that the characters are victims of, as much as the thrilling effect that it has on the audience. Men generally seek the adrenaline rush more than females, which is based on evolutionary researched due to the males history as a hunter and protector. This desire and natural need for action and excitement can then be cured by watching a thriller film.  Also since  the age range normally beholds a high ratio of students in school or university, where they are exposed to a very plane daily routine, this is another reason why our thriller is especially interesting to young males since it allows them to escape from reality for a while and relax. 

What does the music connote to your target audience?
The music we used in our opening  sequence dramatically builds up to a loud and forceful tone. This type of daunting sound track connotes anger and danger which is exactly what our target audience is looking for. 
Although one might argue that it also evokes a sense of frustration, the protagonist eventually overcomes the problem and manages to open the car’s boot, this portrays the character as the hero and a role model. The sound track however also has a certain sickliness to it due to the elongated and stretched sounds. These sounds highlight the mental stress the character is in through out the entire film and highlights the intoxicated/poisoned state he is in, in the opening sequence. The fact that the protagonist can sort himself out and save himself in such a venerable state, allowed the audience an inside look on the characters strength. This type of strength is what our target audience is looking of rain the main character or one might call him a hero.

What information did you give in the titles and why?
The titles we used are intended to catch peoples attention, especially fans of the actors like Adam Grant and Arthur Donald Since the actors might be famous for similar films in the genre, it is a quick and easy form of reaching out to and broadening the audience. This is allowed due the variety of social media platforms. A fan might follow Adam Grant on twitter and see that he is casted in a new film and then he might of and see it. With our film title we were however trying to evoke a different effect. ‚Ecliptic‘ ‚is the apparent path of the Sun on the celestial sphere, and is the basis for the ecliptic coordinate system.‘(wikipedia) The film title connotes a certain feeling of mystery and tigers curiosity, due to its astrological background information . It ties in to the film due to its relevance to the ecliptic coordinate system, which is a vital part in the detectives research and gathering of clues.  

What editing techniques did you use? Why will this attract your audience? Is there a style you have created for your film?

When it comes to editing we stuck to the simple convention form of a thriller. We started of by using a variety of different slow pace shots for the title sequences to appear and then slowly started to increase the pace of the edit. This also gets the viewer exited and his heart racing.  It foreshadows a constant rising level of  tension, until the climax of the film is reached, therefore it promises action and a good plot. Also most of our cuts are on action matches which also foreshadow a high physicality and high rate of action in the thriller. 
Anne Braatz Media

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