Thursday 15 December 2016

Evaluation task 3 /What have I learned from my audience feedback?

What have I learned from my audience feedback?

Throughout the entire production process of the music video, CD DigiPak and Website I have relied on audience feedback. As Kaz and Blumler argue the media product should provide the viewer with gratitude (Gratifications Theory) and more specifically our music video shall be an escape to the viewer, as well as a form of relaxation and entertainment. And as the audience is the final user of the products, I worked in co-option to full fill their needs and tailor the products to their needs. 

My Target audience is primarily Teenage girls and secondary target audience is boys aged 16-21. Both from a western society and fans of the indie genre.

More in depth analysis of the target audience values...
Audience Profile for Glory Box-Blog Post

Teenage girls:
  • Strivers: who seek motivation and approval from the world around them.
  • Trendies:they crave attention and admiration of their peers.
  • Innovators: Who wish to make their mark. 
  • Groupieswho just want to be accepted.
Teenage boys: 
  • Trendies: they crave the attention and admiration of their peers
  • Innovators: who wish to make their mark
  • Experiencers: Young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek the adrenaline rush and find outlet in outdoor activities, like sports.
  • Rebels:who wish to remake the world

Anne Braatz Media

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