Wednesday 30 November 2016

Editing progress recap

Having built my editing skills during the AS thriller edit and other projects along the way, I was comfortable with lip syncing the footage, organising the shots on a timeline, cutting to the beat and using fades to introduce the content and to fade out echoing the music fading out. I used Prelude in order to convert the media files from the exFat formatted card to a format which was compatible with the Premiere Pro CC flash settings. The editing session was programmed with multiple folders containing the rushers, which I put on multiple video layers on top of the time frame clapperboard base, so I could sync the footage to the song precisely. The editing process of the Music video was more complex and involved more cuts; as we edited a performance cut, rough offline cut, an online cut which was screened to a selected group of target audience and a final cut which had been altered to become fit for purpose. In response to the target audience feedback on the rough cut, we added a sequence of slow and fast motion. As Tony, 18, design student, said that “the editing style becomes repetitive towards the end of the video” and the alteration of image creates an interesting element, which recaptured the viewers attention in the second half of the music video. In AS, however, I used simple editing techniques on a ‘cut and crop’ basis, which resulted in a boring editing style and lack of aesthetics to the product. I was also completely incapable of using either lumetri of After Effects, which combined with the poor quality of the footage impacted negatively the final product. 

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Tuesday 29 November 2016

Editing Process - Notes

  • I have learnt that it is a lot of effort making a music video. If you're not passionate about the music video, then it is a much harder process. I am very passionate about my music video. I love the song and I love what image we have created. I have my basic Adobe Premier Pro knowledge to build on and utilise in the editing process. 
  •  I made a few key decisions in the music video. For example, we had an idea to make it black and white, however I was very against this due to the office scene. I wasn’t sure if it would look good in black and white, and I also thought it would look very weird if the cage was in black and white and the office was in colour. I felt that it wouldn’t go with the conventions of our artist, as she is a temptress, and red is her colour, therefore getting rid of it would've changed a lot. Another decision I made was to have less of the establishing shots in the music video. This is because I felt that it looked rather odd when it was next to any other shot. We did want to use it as it was a very pretty shot, however, I felt that it should've been used only once or twice.
  •  The final product promotes the single release from the album. This is because we have used similar conventions throughout all of the campaign. We have given her a similar look in all of her pictures and she has similar outfits throughout.
  •  I have been empowered as a prosumer as I have created my own product from one I have previously seen. As a group we have watched and adapted ideas from a song. We have used our own technologies and kit available to create this music video. We have done it independently and in a short period of time. We have asked other prosumers what their opinion is and we have taken their points on-board and adapted our idea.

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We have now entered the post-production process, which's main body consists of the music video's editing. The process of 'film editing is the art, technique, and practice of assembling shots into a coherent sequence.' 

We are using the editing software adobe premiere pro on a mac computer to edit our video, in the editing suit. Where we will be spending a lot of time in the next few weeks. We are aiming to complete the post production process in two weeks.

As a group we started off by watching all of our footage first, labelling the shots and brainstorming some ideas. We labeled the clips according to the shot type, subjects in the shot and lip-sync or non-sync to enable us an easier editing process and stay organised. 

We also synced up all the footage to the song. The process of syncing is a tedious process, but vital as the performance element is a convention of music videos. To sync the footage, with the original track, I used a base clip of the digital clapper board syncing up the time, to ensure the li sync is accurate.

Moving on from here we are creating a performance cut, that will then allow us to add in narrative strand. 

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Monday 28 November 2016

Shoot Day

We finished shooting! The shoot day was a long and complicated process but we managed to get all shoots required!
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Thursday 24 November 2016

Preparing the shoot day

printed papers
  • prepared files, by filling them up with papers 
  • sourced costumes 
  • talked through the plan
  • who will do what:
Jemma: playbackand looking after cast
Thomas: directing and camera man
Honor: Producer & directing actors
Me: Camera & directing actors 
  • finalised last questions like:
  1. Are we going to film the band members in a spotlight individually? No. 
  2. Will ashen trough over the table ? No .
  • emailed cast -> inspiration 
  • meeting with cast -> Max dropped, we got Guy to take his part 
We e-mailed the cast some inspiration videos, to help them visualise hat we are imagining and to enable clearer communication through out the directing process. 

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Suits for Ashen

Today we tried a selection of Suits on Ashen. They were all borrowed from the theatre department and Honor brought in one.
However non of them seemed to fit right. We decided that Tomorrow we will have Ashen try one more suit which Thomas is going to bring in, and Ashen will bring a white shirt to go with it.
Incase any of the costume will be forgotten we are going to use this suit with a white shirt for the office and with a black shirt for the cage set up.
Ashen will also bring in black shoes and a belt.

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Monday 21 November 2016

Second Fitting

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Shoot day is really close!

Today it is Monday the 21st of November and are shooting in two days!!!

Things that need to be done: 
  • Ashen needs a suit
  • we requirer false eyelashes 
  • source instruments (base and guitar)  
  • confirm lighting and set design
  • gather props for Office Set up
  • extras need to bring in their costumes 
  • finalise & print shot list   
Originally we asked Ashen if he could source his own suit, since he owns one however he forgot to bring it in so we will source it for him. He requires two suits in a medium size. He will wear a nice black suit in the cage set up and will then wear a grey, run down suit in the office setting. 

Suit 1 inspiration: 
Thomas and Honor are both bringing in some black suits fir Ashen to try on tomorrow. 

Suit 2 inspiration:

I have contacted the school's theatre department to ask for some costumes. That we will hopefully have tomorrow to try during Ashen's fitting.

Also Today Jemma did some last minute shopping for the shoot:
  • false eyelashes 
  • snacks for the cast, to keep a positive and cheerful atmosphere throughput the shoot
  • a calendar (for the office set) 
We have also arranged a meeting with the cast tomorrow at 3:20, so have a final talk and make sure that we are all on the same page. We also asked the extras to bring in their black outfits already to avoid missing props and problems on the shot day. During the meeting we will also adress the sourcing of instruments and ask them to bring in their own.
We will have Tuesday afternoon to finish the sourcing of props, build the set and print the updated shot list.

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Contacting the new make up artist

Today we received the information that our Original make up artist dropped out, however she suggested and organised a replacement. We then contacted Emma who will help us with the make up on Wednesday. Honor Email her a brief summery of our concept and the look that we want. We also attached pictures of the actors so she can imagine the final product better. Honor also gave her mobile number to make future correspondence easier.

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Friday 18 November 2016

Sourcing Reasurch/ Shoes

For our lead performer we still require a pair of black heals in a size 5. We want a subtle, relatively small heel. Since we have out run our budget, we need to find a good deal. This is a selection of possible shoes, however  we are looking for some free options first until we order a pair.

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Reference pictures & Research

These are reference pictures for our first DigiPak idea. They are all images from previously existing CD covers. While the concept of the reflection in the eye seems to be commonly used in a more sinister way, we like the look and think that we could apply it in a visually appealing form that fits into our star image.

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Research into the design for our music publicity campaign

Research done by Honor 

London Grammar is an indie rock and trip pop band. They have been active from 2012 and still performing today. Their debut EPMetal & Dust was released in February 2013 by Metal & Dust Recordings Ltd, while their debut album If You Wait was released on 9 September 2013. If You Wait has been certified platinum in Australia and the UK, selling over 70,000 and 300,000 copies respectively.

 Lorde is an art pop and indie pop singer songwriter. She has been active from 2009 and is still performing today. In mid-2013, Lorde released her debut single "Royals". It became an international crossover hit and made Lorde the youngest solo artist (and the only New Zealander) to achieve a US number-one single on the Billboard Hot 100 since 1987. In late 2013, she released her debut studio album, Pure Heroine.

The two websites contrast one another. Firstly, Lordes website focuses on her face. It is dark and she is looking down. London Grammers website includes the three members under a spotlight. They are all abit hazy, however you can still see their faces, but like Lorde, they aren’t looking at the camera. Lordes website is very bland, it only promotes her, there is only the name of her new album and there are no music videos. London Grammer on the other hand, has several music videos.

Both websites promote their new album name. Both album covers have similar fonts and white text. However, Lorde promotes her look and appearance as on her album cover she is standing there, looking straight into the camera. London Grammar on the other hand isn't promoting the bands image, it looks like driving at high speed down London’s high street.

Researched by Thomas
Star Image - La Femme 
La Femme is a French indie rock band, established in France, created in 2010. The Band's music and image can be described as organic. 
The start image is mainly base on the provocation they put in their advertising campaigns. They also play a lot on their comical skills and ironical sense of humor, in order to reflect the main vibe of the group. All of those initiatives are put together in order to form an original, different or even weird image. Here are a few pictures taken from their websites, which illustrates what he has exposed. 

The main page of their website is a piece of art, in order to reflect the artistic side of their music experience. The following pictures are very ironical, as they make fun of picture posing conventions in the music industry, which increases their provocation image. 

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Thursday 17 November 2016

Test Shot

Today we had a look at the bird cage build, which was faced us with a few surprises.
The birdcage is a lot bigger than we expected, which influences: 
  • the proxemics of the performance 
  • the location of the band members 
  • the visual use of space
The birdcage is also a lot more insatiable than we expected it to be, there for the artists need to be less physical with it. However we discussed with Paul that we will add another frame to the top and  bottom to add stability. 

The top of the cage will not be added until the shoot day. This is the angel the top bars will be attached in.

 Next we experimented with a few shots and run through a few movements Alex can make in the cage. This helped all of us imagine what the shoot day will be like.

The New gained space in the cage allows us to also film Alex inside the cage.

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Initial Campaign Design

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Madonna/ Website research

Madonna is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman who as been majorly successful since 1987.  With pop culture jewels like 'material girl', 'Like a virgin' and 'Holiday' she has earned herself the title 'Queen of Pop'. 
Through intertextual references Madonna has associated herself with Marilyn Monroe, who is seen as one of the sexiest ladies of all time. Madonna  promoted this 'sexy' image by recreating Monroe's  iconic blond curly hair and red lip, as well as posing in similar forms. 

On her recent website, Madonna promotes herself as the main selling point.
A sexualised image of her is the first thing a visiter of her website sees. While the picture doesn't look too provocative due to it's black and white colour scheme, the setting in bed provokes sexual connotations. 
The colour Scheme on the website is black and white, with red highlights. Presumably since red is a colour with connotations of passion and desier. 
At the bottom of her website she promotes  her 'News,  tours, community and store'

With in her homepage Madonna's secondary focus is promoting her social media, since she is Unique Selling Point is her own image as Queen of Pop all the focus is on her life. The use of social media also adds to the youthful image she wants to promote. 
Another thing that stood out to me and will be easily incorporated into our own campaign is the linking to her most recent music video. This allows fans to stay up to date, see more of the artist and take in the full campaign. 

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Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse was a world known and award winning English solo artist, with outstanding deep expressive contralto vocals and an eclectic mix of musical genres. She was a singer-songwriter and produced a mix of Jazz, Soul and blues. 

Her star image fits in perfectly with our prompted start image for our Artist. She is a sexy and independent women who  on her sex appeal and uses it as a power.  Therefore I decided to research her campaign as inspiration for our promotion campaign.

These are extracts of her top 10 most well known songs: 

Her album covers usually market her as a solo artist and sell her image. And promote her alternative/ indie look. The font used is not consistent throughout the campaign while it tends to be kept the same and similar on the individual album covers.
Her track lists are kept very simple as well to keep the focus on her.

While researching her album covers I stumbled across this layout which I thought was extremely interesting. There is a lot of mystery within the photograph since we can only see half of the artists face, however it also focuses on her iconic eyeliner style that is a symbol of hers. The large and dominating writing of the name/ Titel  adds the focus on her. Also the fact that the album is carrying the same name as the artist really emphasises the fact that they are selling the star image of a solo artist within the campaign.

The CD cover going along with the album is designed to appear as a unit by using the same colour scheme and the same font. I particularly like the design since it is extremely simple, but once again reinforces the star image. 

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Thursday 3 November 2016

Call Sheet

The daily call sheet is a filmmaking term for the schedule crafted by the assistant director, using the director's shot list. It is issued to the cast and crew of a film production to inform them of where and when they should report for a particular day of filming.
We created our call sheet based on our shooting schedule and will, hand a copy to everyone involved in the production in advance to inform every on of their time commitment and individual plan.

  • Crew + Alex Beteeva meeting place: Studio
  • Rest of the crew will come to the 2nd floor in the canteen. 
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Costume and Make up

This is a Google slides presentation Honor created to display our progress with the music video's Art direction. It focuses on costume, hair, makeup  and props.

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Shooting Schedule

We created this ideal shooting schedule. This helped us realise that we are running on a very tight time plan, so we will need to negotiate with the head of department and creative director that we might receive an extra shooting day or advice on the time management.
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Shot List

This is our shot list. It is still a work in progress, however since we used google docs to create it, the updated version will always immediately be republished here. Google docs also allows us all to contribute and add any creative shots that we want to film on the shooting day.
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