Thursday 17 November 2016

Madonna/ Website research

Madonna is an American singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman who as been majorly successful since 1987.  With pop culture jewels like 'material girl', 'Like a virgin' and 'Holiday' she has earned herself the title 'Queen of Pop'. 
Through intertextual references Madonna has associated herself with Marilyn Monroe, who is seen as one of the sexiest ladies of all time. Madonna  promoted this 'sexy' image by recreating Monroe's  iconic blond curly hair and red lip, as well as posing in similar forms. 

On her recent website, Madonna promotes herself as the main selling point.
A sexualised image of her is the first thing a visiter of her website sees. While the picture doesn't look too provocative due to it's black and white colour scheme, the setting in bed provokes sexual connotations. 
The colour Scheme on the website is black and white, with red highlights. Presumably since red is a colour with connotations of passion and desier. 
At the bottom of her website she promotes  her 'News,  tours, community and store'

With in her homepage Madonna's secondary focus is promoting her social media, since she is Unique Selling Point is her own image as Queen of Pop all the focus is on her life. The use of social media also adds to the youthful image she wants to promote. 
Another thing that stood out to me and will be easily incorporated into our own campaign is the linking to her most recent music video. This allows fans to stay up to date, see more of the artist and take in the full campaign. 

Anne Braatz Media

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