Tuesday 29 November 2016

Editing Process - Notes

  • I have learnt that it is a lot of effort making a music video. If you're not passionate about the music video, then it is a much harder process. I am very passionate about my music video. I love the song and I love what image we have created. I have my basic Adobe Premier Pro knowledge to build on and utilise in the editing process. 
  •  I made a few key decisions in the music video. For example, we had an idea to make it black and white, however I was very against this due to the office scene. I wasn’t sure if it would look good in black and white, and I also thought it would look very weird if the cage was in black and white and the office was in colour. I felt that it wouldn’t go with the conventions of our artist, as she is a temptress, and red is her colour, therefore getting rid of it would've changed a lot. Another decision I made was to have less of the establishing shots in the music video. This is because I felt that it looked rather odd when it was next to any other shot. We did want to use it as it was a very pretty shot, however, I felt that it should've been used only once or twice.
  •  The final product promotes the single release from the album. This is because we have used similar conventions throughout all of the campaign. We have given her a similar look in all of her pictures and she has similar outfits throughout.
  •  I have been empowered as a prosumer as I have created my own product from one I have previously seen. As a group we have watched and adapted ideas from a song. We have used our own technologies and kit available to create this music video. We have done it independently and in a short period of time. We have asked other prosumers what their opinion is and we have taken their points on-board and adapted our idea.

Anne Braatz Media

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