Wednesday 28 September 2016

Pandoras Box

We did some research into the story of Pandora's box, since we are planning to apply the concept to our music video. This is some information we found: 
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Tuesday 27 September 2016


While getting some feed back from our primary and secondary target audience we were pointed out to similar projects that they have previously seen and enjoyed.  
Miely Cyrus 'Can't be tamed'

Sia's 'Elastic heart'

While these two videos also involve a cage and their concepts are based on the prop, it still very much differs from our music video idea. We will use a smaller cage which is more achievable on our extreme low budget, in which the artist will be through out the entier song since we are playing on the idea 'look but don't touch'. WE are using the cage as a metaphor of her power over the men and how she turns the 'male gaze' into something she can benefit from. 
Similar to the atmosphere in the clip from the film 'Malèna' published in 2000.

from 0:50 

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Saturday 24 September 2016

Music video concept

we have now decided on a music video concept, which I elaborate on and explain in this video:

These are the notes I referred to during the video recording:

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Star Image

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Sadly Thomas was sick while we pitched our idea, however it was easy to keep him updated through our Facebook group chat. 
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Thursday 22 September 2016

Pitching our Idea

Notes from Luke

  • Build a cage.  Make it all about the cage. Shoot the shadow of the cage or though the cage. Background has to be black.

  • Lighting on cage- do it from above to avoid ugly shadows
  • Play with the lights- take up most of the day

  • It is quite a small area; will we be able to fit everything in?
  • Carousel- white shirts & Dark Shirts- Zoe trope- do we have enough space?

  • Alley- She is looking like a prostitute, avoid her looking too much of a prostitute (no back story) How are we going to show it??
  • Woman- Look don’t touch. Like the image we made of the girl
  • Do we need the narrative?
  • Bitter song- female orientated.
  • Look at vanessa paradis chanel ad
  • Pandora’s Box- how will we show this idea?

  • Band- should be all around playing. Black Tie. Silhouette them
  • Dancers & Extras- how is she going to seduce the men?
  • Extras- what happens there is KEY – needs to go somewhere else.
  • Cut off guitar solo

  • Use a sheet that is tight around the room rather than flats as the flats are messy.
  • Find a mini cage- think about modeling what we want to do with lights

 Extra info:
  • Key developing it- a lot of camera movement- cant do a complete 360 so we will have to cut – use tracking shot
  • Create film- 360 spin very quickly; change shot to something else… takes in and out of it very well.
  • Black and white film
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Wednesday 21 September 2016


This is a video recording of our pitch. We used our power point presentation to support and visualize our idea. The process was very interactive since we continuously received notes from Luke as well as brainstormed new ideas and concepts. After our Pitch our brains were buzzing with information and questions, that allow us to now move on and develop/finalize our idea.
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Treatment for our backup idea

This is the power point Thomas created for our back up idea:

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Tuesday 20 September 2016

Online platform for group work

I created a presentation on google drive, so that we could all contribute to our treatment. All I had to do was invite my group members to enable them to edit the power point.

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Monday 19 September 2016


We created a Pinterest board that functions as our mood board for the  Music video Idea. We selected the social network Pinterest for this task, since it allows us constant evolvement and inspiration.
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Polydor Records

On Friday, the 16th of September,  the Video Commissioners Emily Tedrake and Hanan Cher from Polydor Records visited our lesson to give us tips on developing music video ideas and providing us an inside to the industry/career. 
  • Polydor Records produces music videos for all music genres 
  • when artists sign to the record label, they will have a marketing session about their Image. During the meeting  they will then come up with a brief about the constructed image. Appealing to their wants and need, according to budgets they will then put them in contact with appropriate directors. 
  • After the meeting, they will then create a treatment and send it out to 10 suitable directors. 
  • Before the actual shot a shot list is required to avoid problems. 
  • Communication is vital, to manage the teamwork and creative process. 
  • Most videos take 2 months from the initial idea to the video's delivery. 
  • The shooting time will often be one to two days. 
  • Shoot in LA, London, Barcelona & Denmark. 
  • Like to work with new directors, to develop unique images. 
  • Good directors are defined by the final quality product and their reliability. A director that is constantly developing new ideas. 
  • Madel- big director that discovered Kanye west. 
  • The director will select the editor. 
  • The company only has one in-house editor, for emergencies  
  • They often work with branding
  • To brainstorm narratives, they often use film clips and test the narrative by playing the music over the action. 
  • They often go for one concept ideas to avoid confusion and secure an easy well-done video.
  • A good music video has a visual ark, either in the form of a change from day to night or the build up to a big party etc. to accompany the music and visualizes. 
  • Get multiple different angles, while shooting a performance to prepare for the artist's vanity.
  • In a treatment: 
  • There is a written version of the treatment, which is often accompanied with pictures, video clips and further references, to make sure everyone has the same image in mind. 
  • DON'T USE UNREALISTIC REFERENCES, to avoid overdelivering the concept.
    • use bold imagery to catch the director's attention within the first paragraph. 
    • The brief must convey the artist's personality.
    • The detail must be selectively applied in the treatment to reinforce the artist's priorities and values. 
    WE then looked at a series of their video production, in combination with their treatments. Jax Jones song House work had a unique video production, which was rapid and very successful.

    • the video was produced in a single week. 
    • the video was edited in a day. 
    • in the brief the artwork was the liquid bottle
    • the video plays on multiple references
    • The movie Joy was incorporated in the brief, since it was the inspiration for the video.
    • website: Promo news 

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    Saturday 17 September 2016

    Developing our idea

    As a group we had another close look at our three Ideas and decided on our list of favourites.
    We like 'Glory Box', best and want to develop this idea further. Second best we liked the song by Phoenix and the LÃ¥psley's song 'Hurt me'.

    1. Glory Box
    2. If I ever feel better
    3. Hurt me 
    What Next:
    We will develop our idea for glory box, by creating a narrative and carefully planning the performance elements. Once planed we will prepare a treatment, presentation and mood board for our pitch to the creative director. We will then hope for 'the green light' to continue planning. As a backup idea we will create a pitch for the song and it's concept of 'If I ever feel better'.
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    Friday 16 September 2016

    Target audience/If I ever feel better

    This song is mainly destined to suit a teenage target audience. The fact that it is identified as being an indie pop song makes it become a niche target audience, the typical audience profile would then be a trendy teenager. As our Target audience we have selected to address both rebellious boys and girls. 

    The typical teenager of our target audience can be classified into different values:
    •  Trendy- he craves attention and admiration of his peers
    •  Rebels- he wishes to remake the world in his own image
    •  Cynic- he has to have something to complain about.
    Just like the well known characters of the breakfast club. 

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    Audience Profile for Glory Box, Portishead

    In today's lesson we created the target audience image for the star image we are constructing for the Trip-hop track 'Glory Box', by Portishead.
    Our female solo artist's primary audience are teenage boys. She  appeals to them due to her high sex appeal and wild appearance.
    • The teenage boys, can be classified by their values and ideals. They are: 
    Trendies: they crave the attention and admiration of their peers
    Innovators: who wish to make their mark
    Experiencers: Young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek the adrenaline rush and find outlet in outdoor activities, like sports.
    Rebels:who wish to remake the world
    • Secondary target audience, Teenage Girl:
    Strivers: who seek motivation and approval from the world around them.
    Trendies:they crave attention and admiration of their peers.
    Innovators: Who wish to make their mark 
    Groupies: who just want to be accepted

    Our artist can appeal to both teenage girls or boys since her image is appealing to guys in a sexually attractive form and worth aspiring for girls.

    I created a profile for out Ideal, primary target audience:
    Nick Carter, is a single 18-year-old teen, who lives in Brighton and just graduated school. He will be taking a gap year, to gain work experience and travel.  

    He obviously popular movies, mainly in the action and horror genre.

    Nick likes to stay updated with the latest gossip and new, while also enjoying popular TV shows like breaking Bad or Narcos.

    He enjoys listening to songs with rebellious lyrics, at the same time loves all female solo artists due to their idolized look and image. 

    Nick himself swims, plays rugby and goes to football camps during the summer.

    Nick doesn't read  too much, he will only read something he is really interested in like drawing. 

    Nick also uses other social media regularly, enjoys satire and looks after his fashion sense, to make sure he is in trend.  
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    Audience Profile for Hurt Me

    The primary target audience for Hurt me are Utopians, Believers and Experiencers.

    Utopians are people who want the world to be a better place. For example they want to perfect and help society. We believe that this would be a good representation of our audience because it can warn teenagers of heartbreak and teens often take things for granted.

    Puritans are people who wish to feel virtuous. They appreciate honesty and integrity. The artist will appeal to this audience due to her being conservative, kind and considerate. In the music video we want to include dancers and flowers that represent purity and the pristine nature of the artist.

    Makers are practical people who have constructive skills and value self sufficiency. They experience the world by working on it. They are unimpressed by material possessions. This is a very natural, organic music video therefore we feel that this would suit this target audience due to them also being young and adventurous.

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    Thursday 15 September 2016

    Star Image/ If I ever feel better

    We started by doing some research into the background of Pheonix. After I read a few articles and watched multiple interviews, it was obvious that we liked the look of the band and that our star image will be constructed in a similar for.The band is organic, unique, cynical, laid back and very likable.

    We then brainstormed and created another word cloud to construct the band's image.

    • band
    • organic
    • relatable
    • likable 
    • fun
    • entertaining 
    • easygoing 
    • young 
    • rough 
    • indie 
    • manly 
    • cynical 
    • intelligent 
    • cool

    Similar artists we found were the Arctic Monkeys and the indie band The View.  

    The arctic Monkeys are a well known Indie Rock Band. Their cool and rebellious style is similar to the one we are planning to construct.

    The view is a less known Indie Rock band, that has been active ever since 2005. Their carless and rebellious look is exactly what we want for our band. 

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    Star image for Hurt Me/LÃ¥psley

    We brainstormed once more, to establish a starting point for our star image construction.
    Our constructed image should be:
    • organic
    • solo artist
    • pretty
    • natural looking
    • genuine 
    • Strong female 
    • Girl next door style 
    • glowy
    We created a word cloud to summarize and visualize our development.

    Honor and Gemma then did some research to find artists that suit our constructed image. 
    They found that Birdy and James Arther are very similar to Lapsley. This is because all three of the artists are singers, songwriters. The tree artists share a passion for the same instruments, all play the piano and guitar.
    None of the artists produce mainstream tracks. Birdy sings folk indie and indie pop, while James Aether and Lapsley both produce R&B.

    They are all in their 20's and have the same target audience; 16-21 year olds. We want this to be our primary audience because we want this to appeal to women or men, but mainly women around the age that they are becoming independent and finding themselves.
    looking at all of the artist's websites, we could quickly see that although the artists are the main focus on the home page they managed to maintain an organic look, by using natural and muted colors.We want to achieve a similar effect in our campaigns.

    Looking at the artist's social media profiles, like twitter one can see a clear visual link.

    They are simple yet attractive. They each have around 20K followers so they aren't as popular as other artists such as Beyonce who has 14.6 million followers. We imagine our artist would have a similar twitter page and amount of fans as she won't be very mainstream and therefore won't appeal to everyone's tastes in music, so she appeal to a very selective group.

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    Star Image for Glory Box/ Portishead

    We discussed a few ideas and created a word cloud to construct an image for our artist. 
    The artist will be:
    •  a young woman, in her 20s
    • solo artist 
    • very attractive 
    • she is sensual and flirts with the camera
    • classy rather than slutty, however a lot of sex appeal 
    • her sex appeal is her trademark 
    • She exudes confidence and power
    • uses her sexuality to her advantage 
    • free spirit
    • rocky 

    I then did some research on Sex appeal in the music industry and found these articles to be very interesting:

    1. Sex appeal in the modern music industry
    2. This article explores the timeless sexiness of icon Eydie Gorme/ casestudy
    3. Top 20 sexiest female musicians of all time

    "In today's music industry, Plain Janes need not apply. Sex appeal was once considered a bonus for a woman; now it's practically a requirement."

     We want to create an artist that uses their sex appeal as a power. We researched a series of artist that have a similar image to the one we plan to construct for our solo artist.
    • Rita Ora 
    • Beyonce
    • Madonna
    • Rhianna 
    • Christina Aguilera
    • Fergie

    These star images suit our construct particularly well:


    Rhianna is another star that is known for her sex appeal and unique look. She is a young, beautiful and feminine artist who appeals two both a male and female or homosexual audience due to her look. Her fans either strive to be like her or be with her.

      Christina Aguilera

       Christina Aguilera is very present in the media industry and youth culture. She has been active ever since 1998 and reach an icon level with her Marilyn Monroe style. She has featured as lead in multiple feature films, like the musical Burlesque. With total domestic video sales of $39,809,949.

      She has also preformed multiple times and in 2011 been part of the team coaches on America's 'The Voice' TV program. the TV program is very popular and raised more attention to wards her image.

      Fergie has a super sophisticated strong image. she has been active in the music industry ever since1984, and is known for her timeless sex appeal. This is her USP (unique selling point), which she makes obvious in her most recent single M.I.L.F Money, which refers to her maintained sexiness after becoming a mother.

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