Tuesday 11 April 2017

Final Music video

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Monday 10 April 2017

Final Website

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Final DigiPack

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Monday 3 April 2017

Evaluation Task 1/ In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of different media forms, acts as a signal to connote what type of content the audience is watching through appealing to stereotypes. In this task I was able to compare my music video, website and CD DigiPack to existing products, to establish to what conventions our media texts adhere to connote and construct the star image of Sasha.

Music video conventions our music video adheres to; established by Keith Negus :

  • "explicit and unashamed promotion of the artist's 'image'
  • featuring of the artist 
  • a narrative structure 
  • performance element 
  • The flexibility to disregard Realism!
  • shots cut tightly to the beat of the track
Within the different media texts there are technical conventions and Symbolic conventions. While the technical conventions, refer to the editing and camera techniques the symbolic codes refer to the mise-en-scene.

With our star image alone we challenged the conventional 'ideal women,' as we did portray her as beautiful and extremely sexy but we also presented her  as rebellious and dangerous. As the campaign is based on Sasha's star image the promotional tools wither adhere or challenge social conventions to build this femme fatal image.

To evaluate what conventions the campaign elements adhere to and which they challenge I will have a close look at each product the music video, website and CD DigiPak and compare it to existing products.

Some Initial research 
(not my own prezi)

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Sunday 2 April 2017

Evaluation Task 1

I had a close look at different conventions my music video production appeals to and in what ways existing media products use, develop or challenge the same conventions that I played on in the music video of 'Glory Box.'

Here is the Link to the Google Document in which I have presented the information

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Evaluation Question 1; Part 2

To analyse how successful I have appealed to conventions of websites, I compared Sasha's website to existing products. The websites of Gwen Stefani, Lorde and Madonna. 

Go to the navigation bar in the top right to find: 

  • analysis of Sahsa's website 
  • conventions and similar products 

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Evaluation question 1; Part 3

The production process of the CD DigiPak, was linked to a lot of industry based research. I researched conventions of CD covers while also exploring different designs. 

This power point shows the development of the initial front cover design.

In Response to the question 'In What Ways Do Your Media Products Use, Develop, Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products,' I analysed the final product and it's conventions. 

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Saturday 4 February 2017

Evaluation task 2/ How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary text?

Evaluation task 2: How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary text?

How effective is my campaign? Is the campaign fit for purpose? Is there a clear visual link between the promotional tools? -These are all questions I asked my self repetitively through out the production process of the music promotion campaign. And started to construct meaning and links between the products early on. 

This is a presentations of the initial campaign plan:

While the campaign has developed steadily and became more concise, the basic elements of red being the linking colour of the products, the main focus being the artist and it's aim to create an admirable image of a femme fatal remained central throughout the production process.

To investigate how successful the final product is I will closely analyse the linking elements an all the creative decisions made throughout the process. However most importantly I will review if the product is fit for purpose.  
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Evaluation task 2/ Script

Philip Kotler definition of marketing as a:

“Human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange processes”. 

Richard Dyers star theory is the idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain. He believes that stars are constructed to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions. Stars are manufactured by the music industry to serve a purpose; to make money out of audience, who respond to various elements of a star’s personality by buying records and becoming fans. Due to the song’s natural seductive tone we decided to create a female solo artist, who is represented as a temptress and femme fatale.

  • According to Richard Dyer’s star theory we constructed a star image for the solo artist we are promoting. The star image is a continuous link throughout the campaign, as the campaign needs to represent the artist to appeal to the correct target audience. 
  • We have looked at similar artists; such as Rhianna, Madonna and Christina Aguilera and filtered the key elements from their online presence and promotional campaign.
  • While all of the artists preform in different music genres, they all promote their sexappeal. 
  • Quickly we were able to recognise that while Dark colours and black and white are frequently used in their promotional campaign, red seems to be a constant key factor.
  • Research into the colour and colour psychology quickly revealed the reason behind it’s content presence.

  • Therefore we made the decision to continuously represent our artist in red lipstick, to build a recognition factor. We also conducted a photoshoot with red lighting to build in the colour into our star image. 
  • We could also quickly establish that while the campaign is promoting the artists sex appeal the fonds and extra details are kept minimalistic. Assumably to prevent distraction form the star displayed. 
    • Therefore we focused on simple, straight fonts. 
  • A recognisable factor was that all the artists had images of their face all across the campaign, therefore we feature the artist image in CD dig pack and website as the main focus, Equally in our Music video the performance element is the main focus of the video. 
We looked at a variety of synthetic star image that lead to a very synthetic, look in our campaign. As we are promoting the ‘perfect women’. However we also took influence by Lorde, who is a bug organic artist. Who has similar presence throughout the campaign.    

However Lorde shows a lot more connection with her audience and background through her music videos. We translated a similar effect to our artist, by naming her Sasha, using Russian letters. This creates a clear link to her home and heritage. 

We are trying to represent a strong female, who is confident and a femme fatale. 
We have primarily achieved this by close attention to the mies-en-scene. Creating a sensual atmosphere through dimm lighting and warm colours added to the sense of mystery. 

Within the Music video, the costumes played a key role. We presented the artist in a long black dress. That highlights her femininity, her provocative attitude which presented in her sex appeal. Another main element was the juxtaposition to male characters involved. The artist is represented as superior to the male character, by setting the male in a boring office. She seems to be intriguing and leading the male actor.  Once the male actor joins her in the cage, the colour of his tie changes to red as he immediately becomes more interesting seeing shown with her. However she still remains in complete control playing with him, as she never kisses him . 

The frustration of the male character is reflected in the editing process. As the day dream fantasy of the artist is intersected with shots of work piling up in his office. 

In our CD Digi pack, we have presented this star image through through using red lighting, and presenting her in a langeree. This immediately connotes sex appeal. However her look connotes superiority as she is looking down at the camera. 

On the website, we present the same image , through displaying her behind a water droplet covered surface. Water being a very sensual element, connotes softness, sensuality and the droplets evoke a teasing effect. Her red lipstick being her signature is also incorporated across the website. Focusing on her through a gallery, and biography creates a strong and idealised image. 

As a group we are trying to promote our artist's star image of being a femme fatale, therefore we are trying to promote her femininity and temptress nature. We are trying to emphasis our artist's beauty and powerful female aura, in order to successfully appeal to our male target audience, therefore a subtle yet classy image as seen by the simplicity of the red and black complimenting her face is needed for conveying the right image towards our intended audience. 

I believe that the image of the CD dj pak that we have created successfully correlates with with what we have created in regards to both our music video and our website as they both portray the image of our artist being a tempting female figure that canconvey a sense of confidence, and superiority that will appeal towards our target audience. Our music video itself showcases our artist in a long black dress with her hair curled and wearing red lipstick and  high heels; a generic image that contains connotations of attractiveness and sensuality, which are  the components that we are looking to emphasise in regards to selling these factors towards our male audience.

To publicise the artist we have created a website, a CD Digipak and a music video with the task to promote and sell our artist. on the Website we have shown the dates of her shows, a photo album and merchandise. We wanted to make her look idilic and make her a role model. because of this people will want to buy her Alubm.

On our CD dig pack and website we have included information make her look very professional and she looks synthetic because she is almost perfect, flawless. for merchandise, we have things like stickers, jumpers and CD Album. this promotes her music and is another way of getting profit. 

Those products are destined to a rather young audience. Our Primary target audience can clearly be seen as being teenage girls. The synthetic ‘goddess’ look of Sasha appeals a lot to girls between 14 years old and 25 years old. Aspired to be like her, teenage girls are highly likely to idolize Sasha as she acted as a role model, being a young, provocative and temptress female. By promoting her beauty, we also reach a secondary target audience. Indeed, boys of the same age are also likely to appreciate Sacha’s image. From a male point of view, Sasha collects all of the characteristics of a physically appealing woman. As a consequence of this, It could be argued that teenage boys between 13 and 25 could idolize Sasha as well. 

The comparing could be seen as being highly effective in promoting a brand image to the audience for different reasons. The website we developed features some big scaled photos of Sasha that reach a very big audience. The music video was based around those female characteristics, which are our unique selling point, in order to appeal to this audience and to satisfy with some 
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Thursday 5 January 2017

Evaluation Task 2

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Wednesday 4 January 2017

Evaluation Task 2/conclusion

Overall, I personally believe that I have been effective in communicating the theory of the 'star image' and implementing it into my campaign. I have been able to use parts of the star image that I need to convey a 'pop' genre. For instance, I have used a red and black theme throughout my music video and ancillary tasks to create a parallel understanding between the artists and her fans, creating a relationship built on a glamorous lifestyle and commonalities between the viewer and the artist. I have considered the distribution of the product and the brand image by adhering to a majority of sensual and sexy conventions in all three elements of the campaign.  Ultimately the brand image I wanted to promote was a confident and empowered artist that can appeal to a female audience age range from 15 to 25.  This is vital for any campaign or concept because the audiences need to be able to read these conventions and benefit from all three elements otherwise the products are of no use to them and this means that our artist won't be popular and we will not succeed at feeling the artist's look. In the campaign, for example, this could be compared to actual artists like Rihanna and Christina Aguilera, as they too, play a lot of their star image on their sex appeals and to express the artist emotions and show her character to the audience who will be open enough to receive and like it.  Emily Teadrake from Polydor records argues that the pitch for any concept had to be consistent and marketable. This is proof from how they made Ellie Goulding's music video. The music video was the main reason for the success of her song and promoted it in a way that the song could not promote itself. This is because songs need imagery beside them to explain the song and the interpretation of the song to the audience otherwise they would feel as if they could not relate to the artist thoughts.

I also feel that I have given the campaign a unique selling point through the star image. The star image I have promoted is a glamorous and unique lifestyle that audience members would want to have and therefore they would look up to Sasha and hope to be like her. A unique selling point used in a coherent campaign will provide different opportunities to market the star image. An audience who is able to spread word of mouth about a publicity campaign can ensure success through the engagement with the exist as a form of online media. The spread and publicity of the campaign in an effective way ensures that the artist will become popular and gain fans. I have technically delivered a coherent looking campaign through the use of images of Sasha, a on going colour scheme( red, black and white) as well as reinforcing her Russian roots so that they link together and combine in an effective and readable way.  The music video promotes a release from the album and shows the meaning of the song in a visual interpretation. Whilst the website acts as an effective online tool which helps distribute and promote meaning for a fan base.  The circulation and spread of meaning by the intended audience helps with co-option and participatory culture believe that critic, Boyd has stated which aids me with the marketing and promotion of the album.

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