Monday 3 April 2017

Evaluation Task 1/ In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of different media forms, acts as a signal to connote what type of content the audience is watching through appealing to stereotypes. In this task I was able to compare my music video, website and CD DigiPack to existing products, to establish to what conventions our media texts adhere to connote and construct the star image of Sasha.

Music video conventions our music video adheres to; established by Keith Negus :

  • "explicit and unashamed promotion of the artist's 'image'
  • featuring of the artist 
  • a narrative structure 
  • performance element 
  • The flexibility to disregard Realism!
  • shots cut tightly to the beat of the track
Within the different media texts there are technical conventions and Symbolic conventions. While the technical conventions, refer to the editing and camera techniques the symbolic codes refer to the mise-en-scene.

With our star image alone we challenged the conventional 'ideal women,' as we did portray her as beautiful and extremely sexy but we also presented her  as rebellious and dangerous. As the campaign is based on Sasha's star image the promotional tools wither adhere or challenge social conventions to build this femme fatal image.

To evaluate what conventions the campaign elements adhere to and which they challenge I will have a close look at each product the music video, website and CD DigiPak and compare it to existing products.

Some Initial research 
(not my own prezi)

Anne Braatz Media

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